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Sunday, April 18, 2010 11:56 PM
Year of Tiger, Bad?

Chinese saying; that the year of Tiger is suppose to be good and all,
but it doesn't seem so good to me lately. Ever since 2010 started,
a lot of unfortunate stuffs happened. From emotions,
to pain, from pain, till disappointment,
from disappointment, to deaths,
deaths came in and now sickness took over:
I haven't been blogging lately, since I'm back at my home,
there's no wi-fi for me and all. So I'm only using
my neighbour's (hacked connection) and my uncle broadband from time
to time.
It's funny, i managed to crack into their wi-fi,
time like 6-9, some times at 12.ish.
The wi-fi will be on.
And when my skype is connected.
It's good news for me.

College is still new to me, but the people is fine.
I'm getting along with my classmates.
Started having lunch with them,
talk about where we came from, discussing about what book or which book to buy.
Planning on watching Iron Man2 for our first class trip? Ngeh.
And when things seem to be doing good, there's more worries came along.
My grandma and 3rd was admitted in the hospital,
my aunt first on 15th April then on the 16th was my grandma.
Both had dengue.
Grandma's condition is really bad. Her platelets is dropping like
river flowing out water. I mean river flowing out water don't really make sense.
What I'm trying to say is, it's dropping countlessly.
Doc said a normal person should have 150k in our body
but her's was from 87k till 24k. Below 30 is the danger zone.
Everyone is sick worried. She's the only grandma I've left now,
don't want to see anything happen to her.

On the other hand, I had my first Highway Code driving class today. More like
a lecture
IT was so extremely boring and the lecturer(kononnya) is perverted.
He tell us things like,
"pempuan pempuan kalian, jgnlah pakai skirt mini masa masuk ambil ujian,
nanti kat dlm bilk. Org lain fail, tak bagus la, org lain nanti x dpt tumpu perhatian.
Nanti asyik jatuh pensil dan pemadam je, pas tu you tau la macm mane nk buat kan?"

And everyone in the room, ladies, was wearing tudung, all WRAPPED.?
What is he trying to pull? Have some respect man, there's this woman in the room
is most probably his age.
I felt disgusted and disgraced by him. Screw. The only thing that I didn learn was that
You need at least 3 seconds beforehand to put your signal before turning.

I haven't been uploading pictures and all, and so wait la k. I take pictures of my classmates.NGEH!
Err, Babe went to submit today and saw this eye-catching presie for DANIEL LOH.
Bud, if you're reading this, keep thinking what it is.!
I shall head to bed already. it's late and all, there's class tomorrow.
And amazingly my Math class only starts tomorrow after my 2 weeks of class.
Because there's not lecturer? HUH? I thought things like that only
happen in primary or high school>?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010 8:15 PM
New Block On The Blog

Greetings people,
I am officially a KBU student,
started my coll on 5th April 2010.
Haven't been blogging due to no
connection at home.
But then after all.
Wouldn't want you guys to miss out my
awesomeness adventure and college shits (:
Hey but then again, life in coll ain't no place to be relax anymore
you see.
No more spoon feed or teachers chasing after your project or whatsoever.
You screw them, you're screw.
You get screw, you'll be screwed from your parents.

First day of coll was boring.
Sat in the hall for nearly 3 hours.
Listening to respective people giving out their speeches.
First day of college, pretty much boring.
Sat all all by myself. And so spotted a few friends or so to say
school mates that was in DJ.
I then had roughly about 28 students in my class
95% of them speaks only chinese and sorta anti-social you see?
Why you ask? Because most of them are foreign, actually one of them only.
Others came from Malacca, PD, Kuantan, Sabah, so on and so forth.
I becamse the Class Rep.
Class Representative. Like monitor.
Again, just that this time I can't exactly be late anymore,
I gotta go to the office to get the key and unlock for the rest
of my classmates.
After all I guess is not bad right? I'm actually very very sleepy right now.
got no heck of a idea why am I blogging here anyways.
I've got so much to talk and so much to mention
But time is eveything, and it seems to me time is running out day
by day. So hopefully let me take some pictures and
blog more about the people I met and hopefully get it up on Saturday? Cool,
I'm heading to bed now fellas. GOodnight there

Monday, March 29, 2010 10:31 PM

Awesome piece of shit I'm into electro again,
let's not be emo today and have some fun electro
came across this track when I dropped by in blitzone
the other day
some dude playing dota, having his speaker blasted with some awesome
electro. Just when he Alt Tab out, I had a glimpse of the title of the track.
Turn out this dude got about 2 mil views. Awesome shit.
Freaky video with fagging cool mask, but the mix is cool.
I've got not much shit to talk about today.
Basically the same routine again.
College starting in another 6 days.
KBU, here I come.
Will be going to Jabatan with Sebi tomorrow to claim my Ic.
Wish me luck because I gotta walk there from LRT Station.
Goodnight mates.

Sunday, March 28, 2010 11:08 PM
I'm here, but who am I?

Like everyone would say,
we are all here for a reason,
Still for a reason.
I was once a kid.
I miss being a kid,
because then you wouldn't need to worry about all the worrying that grown ups are having.
There's more then life just about worrying.
We can be happy, we can be sad, but emotions are not something that we can control.
But then again, it is something we feel.
Why in every life it's so fagging complicated?
Just like every long road, there's always speed bumps,
you'll then be slowed down.
And again it is up to us to whether pick up speed again,
or just moving forward, with that speed we already on to.
There's just so many things to worry in life.
I'm fortunate enough to have a shelter,
living in one roof with people I call family.
rather then to eat sand and die out of hunger in other places.
But then again, dying is not always a solution, in face it's never a solution.
You'll be selfish and just rot in your casket.
While other people around you that is praying for you,
mourning for you. People that will literally care.
Will then say, how foolish of you doing something like this,
dying is never a solution.
We could have just talk this out together.
This is life, not until you actually lose something.
You will not realized something you lost,
was or were actually important to you.
I'm trying to think,
come to a point where I should know, that I can't possibly afford to lose something,
because then I know, I'll most probably be saying the same damn thing to myself.
How could I let it happen.
But then again, I'm here, but who am I?
Hopefully someone that has a full of a heart.

Saturday, March 27, 2010 11:30 PM

Deep agony.
With conjunction of Earth Hour.
I was so happened to dropped by to Sunway Pyramid.
The jam was major.
The cars were packed.
The people was a lot.
But I was missing something,
compassionate and unconditionally love.
I have that, just the absence of it was tormenting me.
The feeling of anguish and suffocation in me felt like fire burning
and a thousand knives pierced through my heart.
This sucks, I miss her.
My family is falling into pieces,
one day sooner or later I'm just gonna be gone.
Not knowing when and where.
But I won't stay under this roof for long.

The word "Peace'' do not exist in this house.
This home a place I call home ain't no home no more.
There's always an argument,
there's always judgemental towards something.
Not once I've heard,
Good, you've made a good choice towards what you want to do.
It's always comparison and hatred.
Where will yelling end up? What's the outcome?
So what you can yell? What happens when you hit me?
Do you feel good? It is me there's always the problem, the trouble?
Have you ever asked yourself what I'm doing is right
or wrong?
I need a person that gives me support, and will advise me with
calm and mentally control in them.
Not a person who only knows how to shoots out Fuck and Stupid.
What will this do? Is fuck a good word to use on your children?
Calling your children Stupid makes you feel smarter?
What's the answer to all that question?
So what If I go out at night? So what if I have a girlfriend?
Does it really matter? Does it kill you?
I know how to handle my time properly,
know my priorities.
I've never made my own money before,
so then whatever I do with the money have always been an issue to it.
I'm making my own money in a part time job,
just to satisfied my own style of living,
what is the big deal of it?
This is just getting sickening by the day,
I cannot live in this house anymore,
I am after all, suffering in deep agony

Friday, March 26, 2010 9:00 PM
Internet Cafe

Like how we usually say CC when we want to go Cyber?
I'm now blogging in this INTERNET CAFE in Damansara Jaya.
Along the shop lots near post office?
Used to be know as O2 or for some of us we know it as Blitzone.
It's even funnier when this INTERNET CAFE,
got no games at all, I walked in here with @Sebi Saw.
Asking what games they have?
They looked at me one kind and asked? Sorry?
I said games? Like WOW? L4D? Warcraft? Anything?
With that weird slang they have,
"we only have Internet here, and er. game, er no game we have, but but we got Casino and China City Club?"
What the fuck? Okay fine, I said how much do you guys charge here then?
"Today, we free, Internet all free. Use use" Here, that pc there"! Exclamation mark?@!
Okay, when to that pc they have in front, sat down.
Touch the mouse only, the screen started having "snow" on the screen.
Awesome, new CC it's already retarded?

Screw that shit, I'm still sitting my butt here and blogging
about shits and tomorrow
will be bringing my sister to her school to participate
this marathon running shit in my sister's school?
Puay Chai? They one in SS2?
Err, I don't really want to go actually but then
it's her last year and all this while my mom never bring her to school
for school events and all those shits? But it's memang like this,
my mom never like to participate in this kind of shit.
And since it's my sister's last year in school, so why not lah right?

Babe, is having camping school. Scouts camp.
It was raining and all, so I'm stuck in school waiting for the rain to
stop then only I could actually go home or wherever?
Then came along Sebi Saw, we were just there sitting,
bumped into a friend, because it was in the dark and all?
Electricity off already. More like the thunder and all hit it? So yeah.
And then err. Like I was saying we were just sitting there,
and the dude, not mentioning names, came along and say, what you doing here,
I look towards *her* direction and he went. Oh. I see. Understood.
He walked off and came along this "SIR"
"Hey sorry, but what are you guys doing here?"
I said, "it's raining and we're stuck here why?"
"Okay, since you guys are stuck here then can you at least not kacau our people"?
"We're having a camp here you see?"
Dude, what the fuck is your fucking problem, which fucked up eyes
of your saw me disturbing your fucking scouts people.
I know almost everyone there, I was a senior, most
probably I just do not look like one?
I got pissed of and do not want to cause any trouble because Babe,
doesn't like me to be trouble. I be good boy and walked off.
Fuck I'm still mad at him. What's his problem?
Okay, I'm done with this hell of a place.
Out, might not be able to blog for few days. Home no Internet
And babe, I'm not going against with you, I just do not like people coming up
to me and tell me what to do and what not to do when I'm not doing anything
at all. Retarded. Have fun in camp(: and I still think you look cranky in the scout shirt. Haha

The night is young, but we're getting old

A man once asked me"
Vincent, what goes up and never comes down?"
I gave a shot and said knowledge"
because I thought then only knowledge can be obtain
and never to be forgotten. But he said not,
knowledge is not something that we can control
In such that it can be taken or forgotten.
He then said, "our age young man"
"How old are you this year? 17 and a half I said,
"How old will you be next year? 18 I said
"How old will you be the next year then? 19 I answered him.
"See, it keeps going up and never come down."
I then zoned out a while, thinking to what he said.
We're getting older by the day, time is unforgiven.
Every second we lost, cannot be replaced.
Or every chances we lost, cannot be claimed.
Time is mana, mana is money, money is living.
The amazingness of every thing in life,
of how every tiny and simple little thing is link to one another is important,
so, why waste time?

Let's not go all emotional,
I'm proud to present,
that I'll be taking a MOTOR LICENSE,
YES, not CAR, but MOTOR.

I think Motor is actually a good start. The best part of it is that I earned it on my own
And on top of that. I do not need to worry about high maintenance for my car,
or tired punctured on the road side.
In face I think motor is a good start to all youngsters because we should actually learn to earn
before we start to spend. Every penny worth a dollar,
some of us just only know how to spend and do not know the hardship how getting money,
while some of us may be working out there all day all night,
just to help out supporting the family to loosen the burden of our parents.
In face some times, working is not only about money,
oh well that's the whole idea of it.
But we should look at it at a way where somebody has to do something and someone has
to be doing that something.
The problem? We tend to want fast money, however it is, drug, betting, anything.
Fast and easy? TouchAndGo?
Mankind should start to think at a point where nothing is free in this world,
and every penny or respect needs to be earn,
by all mean, not just sit there and think Happy Go Lucky,
or wait For the Sky to fall.
Start doing something with out lives, please.

Head back to my motor crap.
So, I tried calling a few Driving Academy,
one that said, RM:630 from L to P in three weeks time.
another said only RM:550 from L to P but I'm afraid there's hidden charges?
So I can't really decide yet? Any recommendation or opinion? Cbox please.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010 9:15 PM

Okay, I've got a situation here. I had a 30 minutes arguement because of this.
It's just another day when I'm sitting right here playing with my laptop
So here goes.
This is just another ordinary math situation but it's driving me crazy
Situation: A 3 people lottery deal

Person A: The sealer
Person B: The middle man
Person C: The buyer

A gave 10 tickets of lotteries worth RM:30(each is RM:3) to B
because B is friends with C and that C wanted lottery ticket.

On deal, C gave RM:30 to B in order for B to handover to A
After scratching, C had 2 coupon to be claim from A worth RM:6
B gave C RM:6 in cash because there were no extra tickets for C to claim

Conclusion: Was claimed that B gave RM:6 to C because of the
2 coupons that C has striked. So in total B is holding up RM:24 cash and RM:6 coupon
and that B gave out RM:6 to C

When B demand for RM:6 from A, A said that why am I suppose to give you RM:6
when you are already holding up the RM:10 that C gave you earlier?

In conclusion, B lost RM:6, A got exactly RM:30 worth of cash and coupon
and C paid only RM:24. But B lost RM:6 and when B said to C that
actually "I wasn't suppose to pay you the RM:6 and that I paid you extra.
C said that no, you're suppose to pay me RM:6 when I give you RM:10.


A: Receive enough lottery money
B: Lost RM:6
C: Gave RM:30 to B and received RM:6 from B beacuse the lottery worth RM:24.

Anyone; what went wrong??

Tuesday, March 23, 2010 1:03 PM

Here I am blogging again, i haven't been
blogging much or even going online since SPM was over
because I have been working my ass off since the 6th of January 2010.
Resign from my job last Wednesday. Been working in a Logistics company
all this while. Real working experience, not like selling shirts in a boutique or
promoting electronic appliances in a warehouse. It's a total 360 degree change
of working experience in there.

But of course, great working background
comes with great responsibilities that you need to bare.
I shall brag about what I do and be proud of myself because for the first
time ever in 3 months I do not need to ask allowance from anyone. Buying CNY clothes with my own working money
and spending the cash as much as I like with nobodies concern, because I
earn it and I'm happy about it.

I basically deal with Data Entry and Filing of Documentation.
I thought it may sound easy on the first day of work, but then
when I sat still on my cubicle, came my superior with tones of
invoices she held. Dump them on my table and said
"Vincent, help me to sort this out first,
and I'll come back later with more work for you"
I look at her and nodded and STARE STILL to the bunch of papers
that's on my table. Wondering what in the world are those,
because IN my life I've never deal with sorting of documents.
Well maybe I have just that it's in ABC or 123 and not ABC stick with 123?
It took me 1 hour to actually understand what I'm dealing with but then again
after 1 hour I still do not know what I'm actually dealing with.?
Pathetic O.o

SO came again my superior, looked at me and looked back to the papers and said
"Did you not started vincent?" I looked at her innocently and said "I'm sorry
but I do not know how to sort them"
"You could have ask?" "But you were busy the entire time"
"SIGH***, okay Vincent. This is how you do it"

And then again it took me the whole day to actually understand what the hell am I dealing
with again. But God bless me and the end of the day I got the hang of it and understood.
But then again, there's more than just new documents to be sort or new
shortcut keys to be learnt through out the 2 and half months,
it's the people who inspired me,
who taught me how to make things work,
to deal with problems when there's one,
to be responsible with whatever I do,
and the most important of all,
to know and understand what I want in life.

January, February and now March. Time flies,
there's too many ups and downs I came across this period of time,
but let's just say I made it through huh?

I'm gonna start studying in College now.
KBU. 5th of April 2010.
Anyone care to accompany? So far no one that I know it's in KBU.
Great. It's an 1 hour walk from my house and I just do not
want to cycle over man. Ish.
God bless me and let's hope it won't rain on the first day of my college.
I'm a big boy going to big school.
Let's just hope things will be over.
4 years of hardwork is what I need to do.
Can't afford to fail neither there's time for me to.
I'll keep my blog as updated as much as I could.
And of course I won't left out the pictures.
Let's just give me some time to capture more shits out there
for me to "bling" up my blog again.

Shots. I"m out O.o

Saturday, January 9, 2010 12:43 AM

I'm blogging again. How is everyone doing?
Some of you started college?
Some taking up part time?
Some in National Service?
Others most probably still loitering around?
Well for me I've been working for the past 3 days?
Started working on Wednesday you see,
First day at work was tough, literally. New people, new system on how to do it.
It's very different compared working in a warehouse.
The people you see or even the way you speak.
It's more strict and what not?
More upcoming updates. Stay put

Friday, January 1, 2010 9:07 PM
Happy New Year 2010

God, time flies. Had a flashback when I was in form1.
My first day of school was terrifying.
The crowd. The new things. New teachers. New friends. Everything was new.
That was 5 years ago. And now I'm turning 18.
Oh my god I'm old.
No need to worry about getting into a 18PL/SX movie now.
Because I"m officially 18. Don't need to lie about my age anymore.
Anyways, My party was superb awesome.
Earlier I was afraid that it was going to be dead and everything?
It turned up pretty well later.
My first party ever and it was awesome.
I'm satisfied. I'm happy.
I love you guys man. Thought some of us weren't close.
But the distance don't keep us apart. It's the friendship that counts right?
Regards to Daniel Loh;; Thank you dude, for everything
Fetching me to get the ice, helping me to get the tables, wrap the tables;you're noob in that, but okay lah. Fetching Chanel over for me. Finish up my beers. Haha. Fetching Chanel HOME and turned back to make sure I'm safe, haha. I was touched. Really.
Overall, everything turned up really really well. Satisfied tau?

Is it me or blogger suck? I only can upload limited pictures for some reason. Anyway. Here's more































































The numbering of the pictures are damn off. So you should look at the bottom ones first okay? Happy New Year guys
More to come.
School is starting and not that I"m going back to school, just that I gotta go home to look after my sister. So I won't be blogging as much as I would. SO.
This might even be my last post. Cheers guys. Enjoy your life to the fullest and
you;; iloveyou. YOu know I do.

thousand miles.

Like monkeys love bananas,
I mainly redo this blog, as a dedication to my special Someone.
Like how you know monkeys are in love with bananas.
It is how I am in love with.
So sit tight, hold your mouse right and start scrolling down as i begin with my own Legend.

one fat dream.

“Patience needed for the best”
“i know you”
"and i love you"
"you do now?"
"yes, i love you more than i can say"
without a single word.

the girl.


your smile.

December 2009
January 2010
March 2010
April 2010

another song.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

won't regret.

the day, that very day 12th April
ever since.